Rainbow Sauerkraut Salad

This salad goes well with dishes like pork chops, ham, turkey or vegetarian sausages.

Prep Time

20 minutes

Cook Time

60 minutes


6 Servings


2 cups cabbage, red (slivered)
1 carrot (shredded)
2 scallions (diagonally sliced)
1⁄2 cup parsley, fresh (chopped)
1 cup sauerkraut
1⁄4 cup Brine (from sauerkraut)
1⁄2 teaspoon dill, dried


Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and toss to mix, then pack down into the bowl and let stand for at least one hour and up to four. Stir and turn the mixture and serve, or refrigerate, covered, for up to four days.


Posted with permission from welcometothetable.coop. Find more recipes and information about your food and where it comes from at www.welcometothetable.coop.