A Mosaic of Flavor: Summer Flavors from Bhutan

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
10:00am - 11:30am

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In Bhutan, where the growing season is short, fresh vegetables are pickled to eat alongside staple foods like rice and dal. Sisters Devi and Bhagawati Gurung will show us how they prepare Bhutanese pickles like cucumbers and carrots and serve them with chilies and yogurt as enhancements to a meal. As a special treat, they will also prepare a food beloved by children in Nepal called sel roti, which is a thin, sweetened dough that is fried in ring shapes until golden and crunchy. Devi and Bhagawati hail from Bhutan and lived in refugee camps in Nepal before arriving in Vermont and settling in Winooski. A Mosaic of Flavors is a cooking series in collaboration with the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program.