Farmer Wannabe

I’ll confess: I’m a farmer wannabe. And I expect I’m not the only one.

I love spending a few hours at a farm, enjoying the sunshine on my face, working with my hands, and chatting with the farmers. But put me on a farm for two days and all my muscles turn into knots and dirt is so deeply ingrained in the grooves of my fingers that it never washes out no matter how much soap I use.

Crop Mobs were invented for those of us who would like to pretend to be farmers once in a while. The modern version of a community barn raising, Crop Mobs bring people together to help a farmer with a big project. They allow us all to enjoy time outside hanging out with each other and working with our hands without going home with aching backs and blisters. Plus real-life farmers deeply appreciated our help.

Crop Mob at Intervale Community Farm

City Market will be holding a whole season of Crop Mobs this year to assist the hard working farmers that supply the Co-op. 

We’ll have free muffins and hot chocolate when the days are cold, and lemonade and watermelon during the warmth of summer. And sometimes we’ll even have live musicians playing for us in the field. 

Our first crop mob is at Adam’s Berry Farm next Saturday, March 26 from 9:00 a.m. – noon.

Adam (who grows us great blueberries, strawberries and raspberries) needs many hands helping to pull big sheets of plastic over top of his two strawberry hoophouses. 

Sign up by emailing me at if you’re able to help out.

And from Adam, “Thank so much, I can not tell you how helpful it is to have these extra hands early in the spring.”

Check out our whole season of crop mobs coming this summer!