Maple Potato Rolls

From The Official Vermont Maple Cookbook

Use pure Vermont maple syrup and accept no substitutes!

Prep Time

30 minutes

Cook Time

30 minutes


48 Servings


1 package dried yeast
1⁄2 cup water (lukewarm)
1 cup potato (boiled, mashed)
1 cup potato water (lukewarm)
2⁄3 cup maple syrup (pure Vermont)
1 cup butter (melted)
4 eggs (fresh, well-beaten)
2 teaspoons salt
8 cups flour (enough to form a soft dough)


Combine the dried yeast, lukewarm water, potato, lukewarm potato water, and maple syrup. Let stand in a warm place until spongy, about ½ hour.

First stir in the melted butter, then the eggs, salt, and finally the flour into the sponge.

Mix thoroughly, cover, and let rise until double in bulk, about 2 to 3 hours. Turn onto a floured board and knead two minutes. The less flour used the lighter the rolls will be. Roll with a rolling pin to about an inch thick and cut with a 2 ½ inch cutter. Place on buttered cookie sheets, far enough apart to allow for expansion. Let rise until double in size, about an hour. Preheat oven to 425º. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until pale golden brown. Serve hot. Freeze extras.