Beer and Wine May Newsletter: Department News

By Joey Bowling, Beer and Wine Manager

Have you visited our wine section recently? Notice anything different? We've completely rearranged everything. When I first came to work at City Market, one of the first goals I set for myself was to update and streamline the “Wall o’ Wine”, hopefully making things easier to navigate for everybody. Well, after a lot of planning and hand wringing and hair pulling, fussing and figuring and measuring, we finally have the project finished. We did the ol' switcheroo with almost 400 different wines!

What does this mean for you, wine lover and regular peruser of labels? Two things. First, it means that you have almost 400 wines to choose from, so there is bound to be something that fits your taste and budget. Secondly, if you can't find your usual favorite, it may have moved. Just ask your friendly neighborhood Beer and Wine Department staffer to show you its new home.