Herb of the Month: Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

A very popular beverage and medicinal tea herb, chamomile has recently moved from the Bulk loose tea section to the Bulk medicinal herbs section at City Market. While chamomile makes a tasty tea, it also has a great many medicinal benefits.
Many people are familiar with chamomile as a relaxing tea before bedtime. Part of why chamomile is great sleep enhancer is because of its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It calms down tension in the belly, back, and neck, which may make it easier to drift off to sleep.

Aside from chamomile’s ability to help one sleep, it is a great remedy for women and children. Chamomile tea can be used to lessen menstrual cramps and premenstrual anxiety. Also, when a new mother drinks the tea, it passes in her breast milk to her baby and can help relieve colic. Lastly, homeopathic chamomile is used in teething tablets.

Chamomile is also widely used in topical products. It is said to highlight blonde hair, and its anti-inflammatory effects benefit the skin. It is widely used for eczema, hemorrhoids, and mastitis.

While we carry German chamomile in our medicinal herbs section, there are in fact two species of chamomile that you may come across in the marketplace: German and Roman. They are slightly different. For digestive complaints, German chamomile is said to be more potent than Roman; however, Roman chamomile is believed to have more powerful antispasmodic properties. Another difference is that German chamomile is safe and effective during pregnancy, while Roman chamomile should be avoided. (People who are allergic to the Asteracea family of plants should avoid chamomile in both internal and topical preparations.)

As you can see, chamomile tea is a great sleepy-time tea and so much more. If you haven’t tried it as a remedy for one of the complaints mentioned in this article, give it a try. You’ll find an array of products that contain chamomile in Wellness and it is on sale in the Bulk medicinal herbs section all month.


Chamomile Soothing Tea Blend
4 Tablespoons chamomile
2 Tablespoons lemon balm
3 teaspoons licorice root
3 teaspoons lavender
Steep for ten to fifteen minutes, strain, and enjoy.