Like Local Food? Go To Moving Planet

It's been a hard two weeks. Farmers are really struggling in the wake of Hurricane Irene. Crop loses down in the Intervale already exceed half a million dollars and many of the farmers haven’t determined the full extent of the damage yet.

Drowned Lettuce at Arethusa Farm, Photo Courtesy of Arethusa

We’re doing all we can to help these farmers financially (don’t forget to come buy that case of wine or gallon of maple syrup before Friday – we’re donating 1% of all sales to the Intervale Center Farmers Recovery Fund). 

In the really-really-big-picture there’s another way to help. Our farmers are on the frontlines of global warming. As Bill McKibben has so eloquently stated, climate change is anticipated to bring more frequent, more severe storm to Vermont. If the extreme floods both this spring and this fall foreshadow what climate change means for Vermont, our farmers and therefore our local food supply, (including our farmers’ markets, our CSAs, and pretty much everything else that makes Vermont awesome) could be in a whole lot of trouble. 

Concerned? Me too! Join Moving Planet on Saturday, September 24!

Moving Planet is a worldwide rally to demand solutions to the climate crisis—a day to move away from fossil fuels. In Vermont we’re converging on Montpelier for the largest climate action event ever held in the state. Folks from Burlington are riding bikes and walking(!) to Montpelier. We will be joined by climate champions from dozens of Vermont communities who will bike, walk, bus, and carpool to the capitol to promote their vision of a green future for everyone in the Green Mountain State, which includes:

100% Renewable Energy for ALL Vermonters

Local, Healthy Food for ALL Vermonters

Green Jobs for ALL Vermonters

Energy Efficient Homes and Buildings for ALL Vermonters

Green Transport for ALL Vermonters

Community Forests for ALL Vermonters

No matter how you choose to travel, just make sure you get there. This will be big and important! Thanks!