Eat the Rainbow

Spring is shyly peaking her head out from under the snow. In sporadic bursts of rain and sun, we can feel the warmer weather rolling in (even if only slightly). But it’s still worth celebrating a time of blooming and regrowth! My favorite way to do that? New recipes, of course!

So, what’s in season? The coming months will bring lots of fresh, bright flavors. Look for local herbs and crisp produce like greens, onions, garlic, and peppers. Spring wild edibles like mushrooms and garlic scapes are right around the corner. Fancy treating your sweet tooth? Keep an eye out for rhubarb!

Here are some colorful, spring-veggie filled recipes that will put a rainbow on your plate, a smile on your face, and spring in your step!

These recipes come from Jessica LaBrie, of Blackbird’s Daughter Botanicals

Roasted Rainbow

1 small eggplant

2 carrots

1 cup broccoli

1 sweet potato

1 bulb garlic

1 red onion

1 cup cherry/sungold tomatoes or two large tomatoes

Salt, pepper, turmeric, ginger, cayenne for flavor

Olive oil

Directions: Heat oven to 475 degrees Fahrenheit. Chop all vegetables except garlic into bite sized pieces. If using small tomatoes you can leave them whole. Cut ends off of garlic, lightly mash with knife, and peel. Coat pan with olive oil, add vegetables, season with spices to taste, and toss gently to coat with oil. Roast for 35-45 minutes (depending on size of vegetables), stirring every 10 minutes, until vegetables are cooked through and browned.

Rainbow Rolls

Note: Rainbow rolls are fun to make and best when eaten fresh, so if you find you have leftover vegetables, simply mix and coat with extra dipping sauce as a salad for the next day!

1-2 packages spring roll wrappers, depending on how many people you’re feeding (plan on 2 rolls per person for appetizers or up to 6 for a meal)

1 red beet and one chioggia beet (if available)

1 each red, orange, yellow peppers

1/2 sweet potato

1 carrot

¼ cup fresh turmeric

1 tsp fresh ginger

1 cucumber

¼ cup each cilantro and mint

2 cups greens (spinach, lettuce, etc.)

1 package sprouts

1/2 small red cabbage

1/2 red onion or several scallions

Optional: avocado, parsley, yellow beets, radishes, dandelion greens, lettuce, cooked vermicelli noodles, apples, blueberries, or any other vegetables you might like.


⅓ cup soy sauce

⅓ cup rice vinegar

⅓ cup sesame oil

½ lime, juiced

2 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated or minced

1 Tbsp red onion or scallions, minced

Black pepper to taste

Red pepper flakes to taste


  1. Mix sauce together first to give time for the flavors to meld.
  2. Grate carrots, sweet potato, ginger and turmeric and mix gently together.
  3. Finely slice remaining vegetables into slivers or thin slices using julienne cutter, food processor, or sharp knives, keeping each color family separate.
  4. Prepare your wrapping station: Fill a large bowl or cake pan with warm water and place it to your left. Cover a large platter with parchment paper and place it to your right. Place a large cutting board or clean dish cloth in front of you, with the vegetables behind it.
  5. To make each rainbow roll, begin by dipping a spring roll wrapper into the water until it is soft but slightly still until softened but still slightly stiff, 15 to 25 seconds, then hold it above the bowl with both hands so it drains without folding on itself. (When they fold they stick!)
  6. Lay the wrapper in front of you and place an oval pile of vegetables (about ¼ cup to ½ cup depending on size of wrapper) in the center. (Wrappers will tear if over-filled, so plan on the first one or two being practice ones!)
  7. Gently fold the bottom edge of the wrapper over the vegetables, then fold in the sides, and finish by rolling the entire package to the top like a burrito.
  8. Place finished roll on the parchment paper and repeat, making sure to leave a little space between each rainbow roll so they don’t stick together.
  9. When ready to eat, slice rolls in half on the diagonal and serve with dipping sauce. Enjoy!

Note: This recipe is a great template, but you can makes these with whatever vegetables (and even fruits!) that you have. Just aim for at least one addition from the blue/purple, red, orange/yellow, and green color groups, use what’s available, and feel free to experiment!