Orange Marmalade

Adapted from David Lebovitz

Seville oranges are tart and seedy - not great to eat out of hand, but perfect for baking and making marmalade. The seeds are high in pection, which is why this type of orange works well for jams and preserves.

Prep Time

30 minutes

Cook Time

60 minutes


2 Quarts


6 orange (Seville)
1 orange (navel)
10 cups water
  pinch salt
8 cups sugar


Wash oranges and wipe them dry. Cut each Seville orange in half around the equator. Set a mesh strainer over a bowl and squeeze the orange halves to remove the seeds (make sure to remove them all!). Reserve the juice. Tie the seeds up in cheesecloth very securely.

Cut each rind into 3 pieces and use a sharp knife to cut the rinds into slices or cubes as thin as possible. Each piece should be less than a 1/3” in length. Cut the navel orange into similar-sized pieces.

In a large stockpot, add the orange slices, seeds in cheesecloth, water, and salt, as well as the juice from the Seville oranges. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, and cook until the peels are translucent, about 20 - 30 minutes. Stir the sugar into the mixture to dissolve and bring to a full boil again, then reduce heat to a gentle boil. Stir occasionally to make sure it does not burn on the bottom. Midway during cooking, remove the seed pouch and discard.

Continue cooking until it has reached the jelling point, about 220F degrees, if using a candy thermometer. If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can test the marmalade by turning off the heat and putting a small amount on a plate that has been chilled in the freezer. Briefly return the plate to the freezer. Check it after a few minutes. It should be slightly jelled and will wrinkle just a bit when you slide your finger through it. If not, continue to cook until it is.

Remove from heat and ladle the mixture into clean jars. Store in the refrigerator.