Homemade Eggnog

adapted from The Kitchn blog

Eggnog is traditionally made with raw eggs. To minimize the risk, we recommend using organic, fresh eggs. Consuming raw or undercooked eggs can increase your risk for certain food-borne illnesses, especially if you have a medical condition. If you are concerned about using raw eggs, please see the note below on how to create eggnog that has been cooked.

Prep Time

75 minutes

Cook Time

0 minutes


6 Cups


6 egg
1 cup sugar
2 cups milk, whole
1 cup heavy cream
1⁄2 cup bourbon (or rum, cognac, or a mix (optional). Can use up to 1 1/2 cups.)
  nutmeg, ground (for garnish)
  cinnamon, ground (for garnish)
  pumpkin pie spice (for garnish)


Separate the egg yolks and whites into separate bowls. Cover the whites and store in the fridge until ready to serve the eggnog. Freeze the egg whites if aging the eggnog more than a day (see notes below on aging eggnog).

To easily freeze egg whites, first freeze individual whites in ice cube trays (be sure to wash the ice cube tray well before using for ice cubes again) and then transfer to a sealed container for storage. Thaw in the fridge and then allow to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before using. Instead of using egg whites in your eggnog and to minimize risk, you can discard the egg whites (or use them in a baked/cooked recipe!) and use a little whipped cream or heavy cream at the end instead.

Add the egg yolks and sugar to a bowl and whisk by hand or with an electric mixer until the mixture is smooth and is a lemony yellow. Add the milk, cream, and liquor (if using) and whisk until combined.  Cover the bowl and store in the fridge for at least an hour (or longer if aging; see note below. If aging more than a few days, transfer the mixture to a sealed jar to age).

Before serving, whisk the egg whites with a mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form. Fold the egg whites into the eggnog in a bowl for a creamy and frothy texture.

Serve in cups with nutmeg, cinnamon, or pumpkin pie spice sprinkled on top.


A note on aging/preserving: Aging your eggnog will help improve the taste and texture of the drink. To help your eggnog last a few days in the fridge, add ½ - 1 cup liquor along with the milk and cream. 

If you want to age your eggnog for a couple weeks, you’ll need to add more liquor to help preserve it. The recommended ratio is 2 parts dairy to 1 part liquor, meaning for the recipe above, you’ll need to add 1 ½ cups of liquor along with the milk and cream. If that creates too strong of a liquor taste, try adding a little extra cream when serving the drink.

Eggnog that contains liquor will continue to thicken as it ages.


Cooked eggnog recipe: If you would prefer to not use raw eggs, you can use the recipe above with these modified directions.  Heat the milk and cream in a saucepan over medium heat until just bubbling around the edges.  In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks, and then whisk the warm milk and cream mixture into the eggs as you pour.  Return the egg, milk, and cream mixture to the saucepan and heat over medium heat. Stir gently until the mixture thickens to your desired consistency. You can serve right away, or store in the fridge for up to 3 days. For extra creaminess when serving, you can fold in 1 cup of whipping cream.

Or, if you would prefer a vegan variety, check out this homemade non-dairy, vegan eggnog recipe from Alli, one of our staff members!